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Municipal Clerk

537 Totowa Road, 2nd Floor Totowa, NJ 07512

​Business Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00 am – 4:30 pm

Joseph Wassel, Borough Clerk | (973) 956-1000 ext. 1004 | (fax) (973) 956-8414

Kathy Wasilewski, Deputy Clerk | (973) 956-1000 ext. 1014 | (fax) (973) 956-8414

Denise Zarek, Administrative Clerk | (973) 956-1000 ext. 1009 | (fax) (973) 956-8414



The Borough Clerk’s Office is the hub of municipal operations and serves as liaison officer between the governing body and the taxpayers/residents.  The Borough Clerk also serves as liaison between the governing body and the general body of municipal personnel.

The Borough Clerk as Secretary to the Governing Body:

  • Prepares meeting agendas.

  • Records official minutes of the governing body.

  • Handles incoming and outgoing municipal correspondence.

  • Processes, records, files and advertises ordinances.

  • Processes, records and files resolutions.

  • Processes, records, files and advertises municipal budget.

  • Processes, records, files and advertises bids for municipal equipment.

  • Administers and records oaths of office.

  • Maintains custody of all official records.

The Borough Clerk as Secretary of the Municipal Corporation:

  • Maintains custody of the municipal seal.

  • Signs the majority of official documents.

  • Attest signatures of municipal officers and officials.

  • Processes, records and files all deeds and contracts.

  • Maintains receipt of service of legal documents.

The Borough Clerk as Election Official:

  • Registers voters.

  • Certifies vacancies existing on the local level.

  • Maintains receipt of nominating petitions and certification to the County Clerk of local candidates nominated by petition.

  • Exercise quasi-judicial authority in determining the validity of petitions.

  • Conducts the drawing for position of candidates on the local ballot (primary).

  • Recommends polling places.

  • Maintains receipt of election results.

  • Certifies to County Clerk persons elected to partisan county committee offices in each election district.

  • Canvasses the votes for and certifies election of candidates for local office at the primary and general elections.

The Borough Clerk as Administrative Official:

  • Issues various permits and licenses (liquor, bingo, raffle, solicitors, garage sale, florist, hotel, used car, gasoline pumps, etc.)

  • Issues assessment search certificates.

  • Handles all types of complaints.

  • Furnishes data to public information media.

  • Purchases all supplies and equipment.

  • Receives and files bonds and insurance policies.

  • Directs correspondence and inquiries for action to various municipal departments.

  • Handles personnel records and files.

  • Provides for records and information management.

In addition to the statutory duties listed above, the Borough Clerk’s Office also:

  • Prepares and processes payroll.

  • Prepares the municipal budget.

  • Handles all requisitions and issues purchase orders.

  • Processes all checks for payment (accounts payable).

  • Calculates, processes and issues sewer billing.

  • Handles all insurance liability claims.

  • Handles all worker’s compensation cases.

  • Mayor’s Office – Handles all telephone calls & correspondence, sets up meeting dates and set up & keeps calendar for weddings and grand openings.

  • Files quarterly pension reports.

  • Processes enrollments, change of beneficiaries, names, retirements, etc. regarding the pension.

  • Processes all forms pertaining to employee benefits.

  • Processes agreement and follow-up forms pertaining to rental of Community Center.

  • Processing requests from all departments or groups to have a particular message put on the marquee(s).

  • Keep municipal parking lot car calendar.

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